
Le LiFi dans l’éducation : lumière sur la pédagogie

Profiter pleinement des bienfaits du numérique dans l’éducation sans latence et sans ondes radiofréquences n’a plus rien d’une utopie. C’est une réalité rendue possible par le LiFi, technologie révolutionnaire de communication sans fil par la lumière.

Digital technology spearheads education

Digital technology is now an integral part of school education. From kindergarten to university, the world of education has been able to put the opportunities of digital technology at the service of students, pushing back the boundaries of learning and opening the way to new ways of working. From interactive games for the very young to collaborative-work tools for the older students, and streaming content for educational purposes, the benefits of using the Internet in education are undeniable. At a time when familiarity with digital tools is essential on the job market, it seems obvious that theInternet has its place in the school curriculum of students.

Education - moving towards the end of radio waves

Although the necessity of digital technology in education is no longer to be proven, specific precautions must be taken when using it. On the one hand, obviously the navigation must be supervised, and good practices must be taught from a very young age. On the other hand, there's the issue of limiting the exposure of pupils and students to the radio frequency waves coming from WiFi, still primarily used as the Internet connection technology in schools. Indeed, the impact of electromagnetic waves on health - in particular that of children and teenagers in full development - remains a source of concern. It is in view of the extent of these concerns over the last decade that the "Abeille" law was introduced , relating to sobriety, transparency, information and consultation on public exposure to electromagnetic waves. Within the framework of the principle of "sobriety of public exposure to electromagnetic fields" established by this law, it was decided that :

  • Establishments offering WiFi access to the public (town halls, libraries) must clearly mention it with a pictogram at the entrance of the establishment.
  • Facilities that host children under the age of 3 are prohibited from using WiFi in reception, rest and activity areas.
  • WiFi must be turned off in elementary schools when not in use for an educational activity.

Faced with these regulations, schools have had to rethink the place of the Internet in education. But there's no need to give up on the contribution of digital technology in education to protect students from electromagnetic waves. There is indeed a solution to this dilemma: LiFi.

LiFi and education: connectivity without concessions

LiFi, for Light Fidelity, is a LED light connectivity technology that is completely free of radio waves. The result of more than a decade of scientific research, LiFi is a non-harmfulhigh-performance alternative to WiFi. While it isn't intended to replace WiFi, LiFi is on its way to replacing it wherever radio waves are not desirableSchools, because they must be safe and healthy learning spaces for the children, teens and young adults who attend them, are prime application locations for LiFi. Not only does LiFi solve the problem of electromagnetic waves, it also has many other qualities that justify its use in education. That's why Oledcomm, a pioneer in LiFi, has developed LiFiMax Education, a customized connectivity solution for the education sector.

The benefits of LiFi in education

A stable and robust connection: Unlike WiFi, LiFi allows an entire class to be simultaneously connected to the Internet without causing fluctuations in connection quality. Currently, LiFi can provide 32 students with an optimal connection with a latency of only 0.5 milliseconds. Ultra-powerful throughput: with data transmission speeds equivalent to fiber optics, LiFi allows students to take full advantage of the best digital educational resources. Discreet installation for an optimized workspace: clusters of cables, that are bulky, unsightly and dangerous, have no place in the computer room of the future. To cover 100% of a 70m² classroom with LiFi, only two Access Points and 6 ultra-discreet photonic antennas are needed, installed in the ceiling, in the same spot as the LED lighting network of the building. An unhackable signal: cybersecurity in schools is a priority. The data transmitted by LiFi connection travels only through light, which, unlike radio waves, doesn't pass through walls. So, it's technically impossible to hack a LiFi signal from outside the room in which it's installed. Contact us to find out how LiFiMax Education can help you reinvent digital access in your school.

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