
Oledcomm & SPIE ICS : vers un numérique plus responsable

Comment Oledcomm et SPIE ICS collabore pour offrir une pédagogie innovante et un numérique responsable


Oledcomm and SPIE ICS have been working together for 3 years now. Read the interview with Emmanuel Houdaille, Innovation Director, who talks about this collaboration.


What opportunity led SPIE ICS and Oledcomm to collaborate?

SPIE and Oledcomm have been partners for 3 years. The adventure began with a high school in the Centre Val de Loire region that wanted to experiment with LiFi as an alternative to WiFi. This first collaboration was a technical, operational and commercial success: it sealed the partnership between our two companies.

If you had to describe the benefits of Oledcomm's technology in 3 words, what would they be?

In my opinion, there are three identified strengths that place LiFi at the heart of a responsible digital approach:
- Security: with a signal that doesn't pass through walls and strong authentication control, via administration software and a USB stick.

- Children's health: this is a major concern and the absence of radio waves and electromagnetic radiation in the LiFiMAXEducation solution is an attractive feature, especially for elementary schools.

- The low energy consumption of these solutions: associated with circadian lighting, it contributes to the energy sobriety of an establishment.

What do you think are the shared values of Oledcomm and SPIE ICS ?

We are both looking for added value brought by technical innovations in specific use cases. This isn't technology just for technology's sake. We see innovation as being close to the customer, bringing innovation that responds to concrete problems. LiFi has a place alongside or in place of WiFi.

How does Oledcomm and its LiFi technology fit into the innovation strategy of SPIE ICS?

SPIE ICS has a high capacity to work on complex, customized offers that are generally a source of problems to be solved. During the design and deployment phases, these problems are conducive to innovation under pressure. SPIE ICS produces these innovations in-house, using its own staff, or obtains them from technology partners such as Oledcomm.
For example, the ABEILLE law banning electromagnetic wave emissions in childcare centers was an excellent use case. Only LiFi allows the employees of the childcare centers to bring the necessary connectivity to management applications (presence logs, communication with parents...) and to tablet-based educational applications for the children.

What potential do you see in LiFi technology?

LiFi technology has great potential whenever a person or organization needs wireless connectivity and WiFi is not an option. This represents a large number of potential projects in defense, space, industry, health, education or early childhood.

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